Index page
C'mon in!
This is the Len’en Project’s official website.
I've also made other stuff like Touhou fanworks, though.
By all means, feel free to link back to here!
(Preferably to this very page)
↓ Here’s some banners. Use them as you like. ↓
About the Len’en Project
Basic info
It’s a game series made by this very circle.
They’re all free to play, so definitely give ‘em a shot, ‘kay? ♪
Just click “Games” in the menu above to get to the download links and other details.
About guidelines for derivative works etc.
I don’t really intend to put any overly strict regulations on derivative works.
Nevertheless, I can’t just let people do what they want with my IP, either, so I drafted up a few loose guidelines.
For more information, check them out under “Guidelines” in the menu above.